Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wall Flowers

By Roger Wilcox

Wall flowers hide from the storm
Wild flowers in the desert will grow deep.
Watered gardens truly perform
Wedding bouquets for much wishing weep.

The flowers most often seen at the dance
Are the Orchids tempestuous and sweet.
For in the rain forest, life and flowers,
Grow to that of a jungle beat.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


The Salt lake valley is often drowned in an inversion.  The air and the mood gets cold and foggy.  It can be dark on sunny days and very gloomy on cloudy ones.  Lake Bonneville has filled up again and we are the fish swimming unseen just below the surface.

From Snowbird looking towards the Oquirrh Mountains
looking NW from traverse ridge
Hermes and I need to escape, for it's not safe in the thick of it.  Different sides of the bowl give us different views.  We crawl out of the sea towards the mountain and then look to heaven and wonder.  It could have looked like this a million years ago.
"Is this the way life has always been?"
"We have to move up or be eaten?"
"Are we not ready to stay above it yet?"
 Hermes looks hungry,  we better return home.

Hermes on one of our winter walks, inversion is building

looking south to the small ridge we walked today