Tuesday, November 3, 2009


OK, Here we go.

I kept a journal long ago, I think it has been 7 or 8 years since I made and entry. This will be a new attempt.

The name for the blog comes from a couple of experiences and an attitude that I would like to explore.

The look up is the looking for the divine, that part of nature and life that is connected to every other part. Or may be it's that "One thing" as Currly said in City Slicker. I'm thinking that it is more likely "Truth". Truth defined as "the same yesterday, today and tomorrow", It does not change. I would think that if you know the truth it will set you free. Pilate never waited for Jesus answer to the question "What is truth?" Looking up is me looking for truth.

Looking out is a comparison: looking for similarities and differences between what I know or believe and what I see or feel. Look out is also a warning.

Looking in maybe a little strange. I seen to dream every night. I remember my dreams most morning. These need some reflection and some pondering to find where the sub-conscience is taking me. Or maybe it is the brains way to put meaning to the events of the last day.

At any rate, here we go.

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